Real Health at Ignite Academy
The mission and vision of Ignite Academy is to create learning environments that ignite boundless growth by immersing kids in real health. So what is “real health”? Real health is concerned with the body’s ability to heal and function at its best. Even more importantly, it considers ALL aspects of health: the physical, mental, and the spiritual. If a person’s health is off in any one area, it will affect the other two areas of health as well. Below are some of the ways we immerse our learners in real health each and every day at school:

Mental Health at Ignite Academy
● Instilling a growth mindset in our learners
● Developing a life-long love for learning
● Teaching kids how to set goals and reflect on their progress towards their goals
● Modeling and teaching of social skills and how to build positive relationships
● Helping children verbalize and engage with their emotions
● Giving children strategies for dealing with difficult situations
● Supporting the learner’s creativity and God given gifts instead of making them fit a specific mold
Physical Health at Ignite Academy
● Flexible seating options for learners and ergonomic furniture
● Daily outdoor recess and PE
● Cook’s corner program to teach kids about nutrition and expose them to healthy foods (K-5th Grade)
● Movement and recess breaks throughout the day
● Snack times and hydration throughout the day
● Kids outside for an hour or more daily
● The use of non-toxic products whenever possible
● Water purification system for drinking water

Spiritual Health at Ignite Academy
● Daily classroom huddle (prayer, worship, Bible memorization)
● Weekly chapel time
● Curriculum taught from a Biblical worldview
● Christian morals taught and modeled by all staff
● Service projects
● Daily Bible class with with apologetics built into the curriculum
● Instilling a Kingdom mindset