During this uncertain time, our country and local authorities have put in place certain guidelines to help our communities stay safe and healthy. While we encourage families to follow these guidelines, we also believe our…
Browsing CategoryCOVID 19 Resources
Strawberry Cupcakes, Activities, and more
What a crazy end to the 19-20 school year. At the beginning of the school year, no one could have predicted that schools across the country would end the year doing remote learning. We know…
Creating a Schedule with Your Child
Whether it is during the school year, summer break, or during the craziness of remote learning due to COVID-19, kids are most successful when they have a routine and schedule. Having a schedule helps to…
Making Family Moments Bingo Board
Want to change things up at home, try out our Making Family Moments Bingo board. The bingo spaces include such activities as a family dance party, room design challenge, create your own ice cream shop,…
Ebenezer Jar
I am sure the first thing you are thinking is, “What is an Ebenezer?” An Ebenezer is, “a commemoration of divine assistance” (Merriam Webster). So an Ebenezer jar is a way to help remember the…
Setting up the best home learning environment for your child
Governor DeSantis made the announcement this past weekend that schools will remain closed for the rest of the school year. That means majority of families will have about 6 more weeks left of homeschooling their…
Healthy Foods and Recipes-Blueberries and Artichokes
Eating healthy foods not only supports our immune system, it supports our brain. As we eat healthy foods, it helps us to focus and have energy to complete our work. That is why at Ignite…
Easter Activity
Last week, the learners at Ignite Academy completed their first week of remote learning. Our learners and their families had so many positive things to say about our remote learning curriculum that we wanted to…